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CycleLights Cross Country Tour
Day 2-Thursday (Austin)
Posted by CJ LD on
We arrive in Austin at night and deiced to swing by the location of the ride the next day. So we check out the location of the ride and decide to park and ride our bikes around downtown Austin, we ride toward the skyscrapers and stop at the Brixton, a local bar on 6th street that was featured on a TV show called Bar Rescue. We talk with the bartender who was actually the owner and realize that the entire plot was faked by the staff to get free publicity. But we continue our ride towards downtown on 6th...
Day 1-Wednesday (San Antonio)
Posted by CJ LD on
After a sleepless daunting 15 hour drive from Phoenix AZ we finally made it to San Antonio Texas. Relieved that temperature was a breezy 78 degrees with a slight humidity. After catching some free Wi-Fi from a local Starbucks, we take off to visit our first shop across the street. Jason from Ride Away Bicycles figured out what we were up to from the moment we stepped through the doors. He pulled us back to a dark room to see the lights and was instantly impressed. We got tons of great information about what other local shops to visit. After...
CycleLights Cross Country Tour Count Down
Posted by CJ LD on
It's almost time for the CycleLights team to take off for our Color the Street cross country tour. A few of the guys are braving the trip with 2 bikes, 6 weeks and 6,000 miles to go, it is destined to be an adventure of epic proportions. Thanks to guy other home town bike company State Bicycle Company, the riders are hoked up with 2 brand new fixed gear bikes. The Abacabb (gray and black) and El Toro (red and black) both are top notch bikes from a top notch bike company. And of course they are both lined with...