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Day 6-Monday (New Orleans –Tampa) May 31, 2013

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 We wake up from our awesome sleep and get a text from Matt letting us know breakfast in the form of omelets are ready. So we wash up and head inside. Matt is sitting in the sun room on his computer working and takes a break to make us one of his famous omelets. As he prepares the omelet, we talk more about future plans for a CycleLights Mardi Gras float. He tells us about his bicycle activist group that helps promote bicycling throughout New Orleans and pushes for better biking conditions throughout the city.

As the omelet comes together, the onions, shallots and ham help bring the aroma out. In the final step to making the omelet, he places it in the over under the broiler to harden the upper half and finish it off. As it comes out of the over, the smell fills the room. We all sit at the southern style family dining table and continue to talk. We talk more about Matt’s stay at home job as a environmental safety specialist. He tells us how he’s constantly traveling really works hard and more often than most that don’t. We finish off the breakfast and finish cleaning out and packing up the car. We take a final picture with Matt and Michelle and hit the road towards Tampa.

After a 9 hour drive we arrive in Tampa around 2 am and find a local Walmart to rest for the nights….

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